Our logo is versatile and works in a range of colours, sizes and pairings. The preferred colour is red on a white background. Additionally, navy can be used on a light coloured background. For dark backgrounds, the logo should always be white.


Clear Space

If it's on its own or with friends, please just give it some space. The recommended clear space is to be equal to the x-height of the 'o', however, this can be adjusted for illustrative purposes.

Logo Clearance



Our logo is a versatile specimen, however even it has its boundaries. Please respect these. When utilising the logo on a dark background only utilise white, not light shades. When on a more visually complex background like an image or certain pieces of abstract art, keep the contrast as high as possible. Stray away from lower contrast executions. We want that logo to pop.

“White on dark, not light on dark”

Logo Colour

“Raise the contrast on complex backgrounds”

Logo Contrast


We love to play nicely with other brands. Depending on the aspect ratio and orientation of our partner logo we have a few different lockup guides.

General Spacing

Knowing that we utilise an x-height of clear space we can utilise that for our cobranding. The height of the keyline will be equal to the x-height by 3. The keyline for a standard co-branding lockup will be 2px width in the grey (when on white).

cobranding spacing

Similar X-height

When we are working with a logo with a similar x-height to ours we can match the x-height of the outfit wordmark to that of our partner. This works for clients such as Red Hat, Cloudera and Ray White.

co branding similar x-height

Logo Ratio

If the x-height doesn't fit to our logo, however is still within a 2:1 ratio we aim to fit it to the height of our logo. The logos must then be re-centred to the line. This works for our clients like Monash University, 12 Round and CBHS.

cobranding similar ratio

1:1 and up

If the logo borders on a square aspect ratio and into the portrait territory please align to the centre and take the width of our logo. Any higher? Please cap it at the height of the keyline (5x). This works for our clients like Endeavour.

cobranding square ratio

Reversing the colours

cobranding white


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